2024 is underway

Jeanne and I have left on the journey. The winds have been really strong, so we have been hopping between ports when our window is clear (or as clear as possible).
So Waukegan to Milwaukee to Port Washington to Sheboygan. We crossed from Sheboygan to Ludington, 9 hours, waves 3 – 5 feet and wind pretty close to on our nose. Waves like that can be very taxiing and it was taxiing.

Now we are in Ludington Michigan on Friday. There are very windy conditions forecast for the next several days and we might need to stay in Ludington through Monday, when will make our way to Frankfort Michigan.

Below is a picture of the Badger ferry that comes from Manitowoc to Ludington twice a day. In the past it was the single largest polluter of Mercury into Lake Michigan. In 2015 the Environmental Law and Policy Center won a battle with the owners of the two ferry boats in Ludington that forced them to stop dumping 1,000,000 pounds of coal ash into Lake Michigan and instead store it on board and dispose of it on-shore. They still continue to belch black smoke, but it is a step in the right direction.

Raining today, oh well.

More to come.